Monday, December 2, 2013

How to Shoot A Basketball : Shoot better instantly!!

Want to know the best and fastest way on how to shoot a basketball?

Simply, it's all about the fundamentals...

Example, for years and years i tried perfecting my shot the way others told me how by watching tv or reading on how to shoot a basketball...but honestly, if you are trying to get your jumpshot better, you should 
 just keep your form how YOU like it and how YOU feel comfortable shooting it!!

how to shoot a basketballFor Instance, stop trying to make your form like Kobe's  -

how to shoot a basketball 

If you are more comfortable shooting like Shawn Merion... (Both jumpshots work!)


How to Shoot A Basketball

The best way to improve your shot instantly is so simple that we dont really think about it to much...

Alot of athletes tend to try to make their form look perfect when the form isnt the best way to actually make a shot!

You may ask..

"Well what is better for my shot then my form?"

It's simple!! YOUR BRAIN POWER!!!

I know it sounds cliche, but honestly your shot has to feel natural......what better way of making it feel natural then shooting the way that YOU feel comfortable shooting?!?

I hope I've made your technique and tactics more simple...Try shooting the way you feel comfortable shooting and develop a natural follow through on your shot that feels good when you release it! 

Try these tips and i guarantee that your shot will become better instantly!!

How to shoot a basketball

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